

Lab.: High Temperature and Functional Coatings
Org.: DLR (German Aerospoce Center)
Country: Germany
Tel. +49(2203)6013228 - Fax +49(2203)696480

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Bilge Saruhan–Brings received her BSc in Metallurgical Engineering and her MSc in Materials Science from the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering of Istanbul Technical University in Turkey. Her PhD is from Materials Research Center at University of Limerick in Ireland. Since completing her PhD, she has been working at Institute of Materials Research of German Aerospace Center. In 2002, she received her lectureship qualification (habilitation) from Technical University of Freiberg in Germany and lectured on Materials Science and Nanomaterials. Her research interests are in the fields of high–temperature resistive and impedancometric gas sensors, thin films and nanostructured materials with applications in gas sensor devices, energy storage systems and catalytic applications, thermal barrier coatings. She has 7 patentes and published more than 100 papers as well as 1 book.

Areas of Research

High–temperature gas sensors

Research Keywords

Semiconductors, doping, nanostructuring

Areas of Future Interest

Photocatalytic sensing

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